Tag Archive | Hospital

Quote Of The Day

“I find television very educating. Every time somebody turns on the set, I go into the other room and read a book.” – Groucho Marx

This one is just some light humor for all my fellow book lovers, out there!

So Deceiving

Hey Reader’s! It’s currently 3 in the morning, and I’m just laying in my bed right now (after having to walk to the bathroom and back), thinking about how crazy it is that my legs can be experiencing the level of pain they are right now, and look completely fine. Like, how is this much pain not visible for all to see?! Yeah, there may be some swelling, but for the times when I don’t swell up (like now), it just blows my mind. I feel like this amount of pain should be physically seen by all. I guess in a way it is, because it’s a lot harder for me to walk, that’s IF I’m able to walk, at all. I’m laying here looking at my legs, and they look as fine as can be…LIES. Anyway, this may just be the pain and pain meds talking. I hope everyone else is having a pain free morning. Later!

So deceiving

Chest Pains…

Hey Reader’s. So, I’ve been having chest pains on and off for over two weeks now. In my previous blog, I wrote about the difficulties of living with Sickle Cell, during a pandemic. Well, one thing I forgot to mention is the fact that I have also been having chest pains, and there is basically nothing I can do about it. Sickle Cell chest pains are already difficult to deal with, I’m sure my fellow Warrior’s can attest to that; pain medication for some reason doesn’t touch chest pain, at all. So, to be dealing with this during a pandemic, is very hard to do. Thankfully it hasn’t gotten as bad as I KNOW it can get (which is crying my eyes out, bad). I have been having slight trouble taking deep breaths, and when I start moving around too much, it hurts worse. I’ve had pneumonia several times, so I don’t think that’s what it is, but if I keep having trouble taking deep breaths, I’m worried that’s what it can turn into. I know that my blood is low, so maybe that has something to do with the pain. I may have to just bite the bullet, and see if the Sickle Cell Day Clinic is even open right now for patients, and go get treatment if it is. I just don’t want to back myself into a corner to where I end up in a really bad crisis, and have no other choice but to go to the hospital. I will definitely keep you guys updated with this, so until next time!

Quote Of The Day


Hey Readers, I’m going to start back doing my Quote Of The Day, blogs. I really enjoy reading and finding the right one, I really hope you all enjoy them as well. When I read this one I could really relate to it; I may cry a lot when I’m in pain from a Sickle Cell crisis, or from frustration, but that by no means makes me a weak person, nor my fellow SC Warriors.

Optimistic and Ready For The Future!

Hey Readers, this blog is just going to be a little update of what’s been going on with me lately. Well, as some of you may recall, I was having very bad stomach pains for awhile. It was to the point where I was constantly in the hospital. Well, they finally figured out that it was the medicine they had me on that was causing the problems. Once we got the stomach pains under control, I was actually out of the hospital for a while, and doing good. I was able to finally plan something and not miss it because I was sick. I went to Orlando with my family, for a nice little visit with some of my family there. It was great to finally be out of the hospital, and doing things that are so simple but so enjoyable at the same time. I had a great time there. The day we left, I started hurting, but thankfully it didn’t get bad until after we had made it home. I ended up having to go to the hospital that same night. I’m still in here now, but I’m being released today, finally. I know this is going to sound weird but, I didn’t mind getting sick this time, I was just so thankful that it happened right after my trip to Orlando, and not during. So when the pain started, I just thanked God that He allowed me to enjoy my trip fully and waited until I got home for the crisis to happen. I know that may sound strange, but when you have Sickle Cell you know that a crisis can happen whenever, wherever. So you’re thankful when a crisis doesn’t happen when you’re out at events, or on trips; because you know it easily could have. You have to know which battles to fight. I’m optimistic though, I think that once I’m released from the hospital this time, I won’t be back for awhile. The reason I was in and out of the hospital before, was because of my stomach problems, not necessarily my Sickle Cell pain. So now that that’s taken care of, it should just be my Sickle Cell now, and I’m learning how to manage it better, also. I’ve been drinking lots of fluids, especially water, which I admit, I wasn’t doing before. It amazes me how, just drinking water can help so much in keeping me from getting sick. Whatever will help, I’m down for! So we’ll see what happens; I’m actually excited about the future, which I admit, I haven’t been for awhile now. Only because I was always sick, and not able to do anything. I think things are going to start changing for the better now, and I’m going to take you all along for the ride! Get ready, I can’t wait!



Living with Sickle Cell Disease 2

Well I’m in the hospital once again. People are always shocked by how often I have to go to the hospital, but for me it’s just normal. I’ve been here for four days now and should be released sometime today; so this hospitalization is actually one of my shorter stays. I’m usually in here for a week or more. I’ve been having really bad stomach pains so that was the reason for this time. I didn’t even know Sickle Cell pains could be in the stomach but my doctors say that must be what it is, and plus while I was here my feet started hurting too and I know that’s from the Sickle Cell, so I guess their right. I’m so ready to go home! I’ve been getting sick a lot lately and haven’t really had the time to do anything. Hopefully after this my next crisis won’t happen for awhile. I’m still trying to get me and my moms jewelry business up and running, and being sick all the time is making that task almost impossible. I’m not a quitter though so it’ll get done. I’ve done so much with it already so I’m not giving up. Anyway…at least these past few visits to the hospital hasn’t required me needing anymore blood transfusions, I’ve had so many that I’ve lost count of them years ago. That’s why I have iron overload now which, of course, isn’t good. I’ve been in this hospital so many times that all the nurses know me (and my family) by name! I guess that’s good though, because when I come they know exactly how to care for me (including the doctors). Yeah, I may be in this hospital a lot but I am still truly blessed. My motto is: someone always has it worse. So even though my situation isn’t the best, I just constantly remind myself of that. That really helps too, for those days when I’m feeling sorry for myself or am in a lot of pain. Someone always has it worse… Bye!
